Muhammad, the Man, the Prophet
By Humaira Khan Just outside the city, he stopped and looked back. The place he was being forced to leave had been his home for over fifty years! It was here that he had been born, raised, married, had his children… The people here were his people, some he had known...
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To the Quranic word Zakah and the meaning it conveys, there is no equivalent in any other language as far as we know. It is not just a form of charity...Read More -
Fasting, an Introduction
Ælfwine Mischler Fasting the lunar month of Ramadan is such an important Pillar of Islam that Muslims believe that if one dies without having made up...Read More -
Ramadan: The Month of Fasting
877-WHY-ISLAM Brochure. Request a copy View in PDF Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It begins with the sighting of the new moon...Read More

Islam in North America: Introduction
Muslims first arrived in North America centuries before Columbus due to trading expeditions with Native Americans. After Columbus, the slave trade transported African Muslim slaves, who retained their spiritual practice and religious identity, to the Americas. Over...
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Muslims in Australia: The Building of a Community
The general picture of Muslims in Australia is of a predominantly urban, intricate mosaic of communities and relationships at various stages of...Read More -
Saulat Pervez On her recent visit to Indonesia in February, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked, “If you want to know if Islam,...Read More -
Ibn Khaldun: Father of Social Sciences
Ibn Khaldun, the father of social sciences, was an eminent figure who hailed from northern Africa; he lived from 1332 to 1406 A.D. He was born in...Read More

Addiction and Islam – The Disease and its Cure
We live in a culture in which mass advertising glorifies excessive consumption and the near instant gratification of desires. “Having it now” unfortunately, proves to be a slippery slope for millions, and uninhibited desires prove to be like an uncontrollable fire,...
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Ramadan at College
Fasting in the month of Ramadan at college can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. Juggling school work and exams along with personal goals...Read More -
Towards Purification
For Rodrigo Adem, Ramadan is a time of intense focus on Islam. He tries to spend as much time at the mosque as possible, reciting Quran and attending any...Read More -
Benefits of Fasting
by Fatin Khairallah The blessed month of Ramadan is a time for inner reflection, self-discipline and self-improvement. If put into proper practice, these...Read More
Pakistan’s new hero Burka Avenger
By Sebastian Abbot Wonder Woman and Supergirl now have a Pakistani counterpart in the pantheon of female superheroes – one who shows a lot less skin. Meet Burka Avenger: a mild-mannered teacher with secret martial arts skills who uses a flowing black burka to hide...
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How they came to choose Islam
By Marina Bolotnikova Philip and Sherry Snow grew up Catholic in predominantly Christian towns on opposite sides of the country. Today, Philip and Sherry...Read More -
What Jesus (pbuh) said about Fasting
by Imam Shabir Ally The Gospel of Matthew shows that Jesus “fasted forty days and forty nights” (Matthew 4:21). The Gospel of Luke adds the detail...Read More -
Fasting of Ramadan: A Time for Change
Taha Ghayyur & Taha Ghaznavi “Fasting in Ramadan develops in a person the real spirit of social belonging, of unity and brotherhood, and of equality...Read More
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